Domino's Pizza w Irvington

Stany ZjednoczoneDomino's Pizza



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1044, Clinton Avenue, 07111, Irvington, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-399-7500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7252403, Longitude: -74.2256907

komentarze 5

  • Michael Wick

    Michael Wick


    This is by far the slowest, poorly ran Dominos Pizza in existence. The average wait time on orders from making to your front door is no less then two hours, and they are garunteed to mess up your order in one way. The drivers are half assed and slow, and act as if they want YOU to come to the car when delivery is to YOUR door ontop of the fact that it takes them 30 minutes to cross 5 minutes worth of driving. If there was another store that would take my orders I'd immediately go there rather then this one.

  • Warren Freeland

    Warren Freeland


    This place sucks, but apparently it's the only one in my area. They either burn your food or screw up your order. And what's the deal with the dipping sauce?? Even if you order extra they gone give you any!!!

  • en

    Dee Ns


    Deserves 0 star in my opinion. Just a bunch of young ugly black girls with 0 level of professionalism and terrible attitude! I only come here cos it’s close and whoever the manager is you have some work to do here. Ordered on the phone, attendant was very very rude!! Came in to pick up after an hour and order was still not ready after taking my money and I was just left standing there and none of them seem to bother. Like I said I’ll take the insult only cos I’m hungry and I need the food.

  • Aisha Nicole

    Aisha Nicole


    Dominos Pizza is the best. I love how the crust taste. It just complete your hunger.

  • Giovanni Vilella

    Giovanni Vilella


    Staff literally laughs when there's a problem with an order. They ruined our birthday party that had 10 hungry kids by screwing up the order twice ! They stated we have a credit for parmesan bread twist & next time we tried to order, it was apparently a lie. From the rude staff, slow drivers and the fact they put the order is delivered before it's even out the store to boost their internal scores. Just ridiculous all around. Would rather pick up from a further store then deal with these people.

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