Domingo Garcia Law Office w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneDomingo Garcia Law Office



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400, South Zang Boulevard, 75208, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-941-8300
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Latitude: 32.7416832, Longitude: -96.8239734

komentarze 5

  • Marcela Garcia

    Marcela Garcia


    Karina is awesome, this is my second time doing a case with Domingo Garcia and Karina has helped me in my case both times. She is very friendly and informative. Thanks so much Karina for helping my husband and I, we really appreciate you!

  • en

    Patricia Arones


    My experience with the Law Office Of Domingo Garcia was wonderful.....! The all staff was really nice and helpful. Special thanks to my Case Manager Jesus Cortina who took my case. He is very professional, kind, friendly, helpful and always answered my questions and concerns. Eternal thanks for doing justice in my case and God bless you. I would highly recommend to everyone that is need of legal help....! My score is five stars and more.

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    Noe Castillo


    I had an accident on 3/28/18 and I didn't doubt on calling Domingo Garcia Law Office. They came out to my house and made everything very easy. His staff is the most dedicated professinals I have met. From Eduardo Villa, the investigator, to his office staff Perla Garcia. They treated me like family and made my concern the most important thing that mattered. I am so glad I called Domingo's office. They went above and beyond and that's why I will always recommend them!

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    felipe gonzalez-ruiz


    Excellent work. Best one that I'll know of. Helped me with my case and came out on top. Great help easy to talk to. Understandable crew. Will recommend them to any one. Did what they said they were going to get done. Couldn't be happier thank you. Big thank you to Mr. Jesus.

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    Griselda Solorzano


    I recently started my case with Karina and Jennifer. They were both beyond helpful! Karina was very caring about my health conditions, and took her time to explain the process which my case would go through. Jennifer also stayed late until 10 pm to get everything completed and right. She showed such professionalism, and yet still managed to make such a stressful situation feel so comfortable. I would completely recommend these girls, and the office, to anyone needing any type of assistance. They go above and beyond in every way.

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