Domenic's Cleaners & Tailors w Peekskill

Stany ZjednoczoneDomenic's Cleaners & Tailors



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104, Depew Street, 10566, Peekskill, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-737-9184
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.289069, Longitude: -73.922658

komentarze 5

  • JohnJ Stylez

    JohnJ Stylez


    Worst customer service I’ve experienced in any “professional” establishment

  • en

    Dina Washington


    I am very unhappy with the job that was done on my dress. He made it too short and now there is nothing that can be done to fix it. He may be good at tailoring men's clothing but do not take your dress here.

  • en

    Colin Cummings


    The best dry cleaners I have ever been to and the best one in the surrounding Hudson Valley Area. They have a tailor on site unlike other places where they only do alterations once a week. On two occasions I was on a deadline to get my uniform altered and both times they came through and were so accommodating. If you work in uniform services or law enforcement, this is the place to go! Great service!!!

  • Crissi Beth

    Crissi Beth


    Updated review: had two sub-par experiences with tailoring back-to-back. One time was a fit issue (which, to their credit, they greatly discounted the price on) and the other time my dress came back with a small hole in it next to the seam that needed reinforcing. I'm still leaving three stars bc I believe the dry cleaning portion of the business to be fine. Just a reminder though, even in 2017, this business is cash-only.

  • Christian Rose

    Christian Rose


    Never had a problem here up until this past weekend, got three shirts back & one was a brand new white shirt & when I got it back there was a brown stain on it as well as wrinkles on the front & they also shrunk it to the point where it cannot be worn. One other shirt also had wrinkles on it. I should have went back and said something but with it being the holiday weekend I didn't have time. Also, having no receipt it's difficult to prove you had it done there.

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