Dollar Tree i Levittown

Forenede StaterDollar Tree



🕗 åbningstider

3767, Hempstead Turnpike, 11756, Levittown, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-796-5167
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.726057, Longitude: -73.496553

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tom Matthews


    This is a great Dollar Tree store, they have a huge variety of useful and interesting items. And the location is very convenient.

  • William Nessanbaum

    William Nessanbaum


    [Update] I generally try to avoid this store. Every time I've been here, I've found it to be quite cluttered. Today was no different... Besides the disheveled conditions shown in my photo, I found that nobody appears to be restocking. There were a lot of empty shelves....

  • QueenLu Sc

    QueenLu Sc


    This is the first dollar 🌲 I shopped at..great store. Lots of parking, easy to get into...lots of great STOCK..

  • en

    Wolfy Price


    i give this place 5 stars soley based on the 1 smokin hot cashier cameron. wow wee whoa, If only i had the nerve to ask her out.. Ive toured the country playing live music in front of total strangers, I talk people into trusting me with their savings for a living (mortgage banking) but i cant talk to her.. :/ Love me some cameron.

  • Digwijoy Mandal

    Digwijoy Mandal


    This dollar tree opens at 8 am in the morning which is a huge advantage. This shop also stores more varied and fresh products compared to the dollar tree at Hicksville(solely my opinion). Has a very good collection of kitchen and other daily use items.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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