Dollar Tree en New York

Estados UnidosDollar Tree



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2027, Flatbush Avenue, 11234, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-859-5130
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6204195, Longitude: -73.9339479

comentarios 5

  • en

    Patricia Broadbelt


    One of the better Dollar Tree store. Well stocked. Pretty orderly

  • en

    Linda Brown


    I love this Dollar Tree it is much bigger than the one I'm closer too it has so much more to offer.

  • Sarah W

    Sarah W


    Best store evvvver!!!! In addition to free parking you can find: Holiday items, household items, school supplies, food, personal items, helium balloons, and a lot more! Buy 8 items and spend $8 +tax. They have some items that are seasonal like kids games, motivational sticky notes and other items such as holiday decorations. You can expect a wait at the checkout since there are a lot of shoppers here. That being said the store is pretty organized and well stocked.

  • en



    Excellent, everytimeI’m there I see the manager Making sure that everything is stocked up on the shelves. When they get a delivery I always see the employees taking things out of the boxes and filling up the shelves , never boxes around , and they’re always organizing the shelves making it nice and neat it’s very clean very friendly I love it there

  • en

    flos bodyshop


    Although the store offers parking the lot was filled to capacity resulting in my parking on the street. There were many items from which one could choose but the cashier line was exceedingly long because there were only two overworked cashiers trying their best to quickly move the line. This created a stressful situation because i fed the meter but did not anticipate the long line so i was worried that i would get a ticket

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