Dollar Tree w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDollar Tree



🕗 godziny otwarcia

15004, 115th Drive, 11434, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-323-2817
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6832483, Longitude: -73.7922839

komentarze 5

  • en

    Daniel Cold


    Great choice of foods and goods. Every item for 1$ without exceptions (even items with regularry cost in another shos for 3-4$). Items on shelfs are little messy and there are a lot of boxes on one side of the store. Please do the order and your store wi be simple the best.

  • Joey V

    Joey V


    Staff member was very knowledgeable about where to find the products I needed. Attentive and helpful staff.

  • en

    Ameedat Yusuf


    I love dollar tree. It has most of everything for a cheap price.

  • sky unidentifiedstorm

    sky unidentifiedstorm


    Update much better more staff and organized. Good job! This Dollar tree is usual stocked but like a lot of Dollar tree stores it's a hot mess. They need 24/7 workers to maintain this store to clean up and stock the store neatly as well as the other stores in NY. They offer a large variety of party goods, seasonal items, groceries, freezer and refrigerator for products, family goods and household items. Parking lot and street parking available. Staff are pleasant. You can order online and pick up at store if you need a large amount of a special item. Would give 5 stars but needs organization and staff.

  • en

    Raynezz H


    It's not bad for a neighborhood store. I shop there often. The shelves are stocked and there is variety in products. There's a decent parking lot as well

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