Dollar General i Memphis

Forenede StaterDollar General



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3636, North Watkins Street, 38127, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 901-354-2457
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2249281, Longitude: -90.0027017

kommentar 5

  • en

    Deputy Sheriff


    Awful store. Isles blocked. Items not stocked on shelves. Boxes of merchandise everywhere. Super long line with one cashier and at least two other employees on duty. Gave one star because the cashier was polite and helpful and my coupons were good.

  • Queen Caramel

    Queen Caramel


    It never takes too long for me to check out at this location, but the store could use a good cleaning.. The floors look dirty and going up and down the aisles, the merchandise appears to be all out of place. Everything is everywhere.

  • Danita Love

    Danita Love


    You can tell there is a change in management. Now this store is starting to look out of order. Before, you could walk down the aisles without walking sideways. Then checkout wasn't good either. Line was long and there 4 workers there, one being on register.

  • en

    Deanna Free


    The store didn't open on time my son needed gloves for the cold I was on a short-term limit on getting the gloves before we left I wasn't able to get the gloves because the lady didn't open the door on time the date was November 19th 2017 this is bad customer service and needs attention

  • en

    Courtney Jackson


    As an employee, the store has improved a lot over the past year. Our main focus is having a clean and friendly environment for our customers. Compared to other dollar generals we are at the top of the list.

nærmeste Butik

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