DNS Auto Glass Shop in Phoenix

Vereinigte StaatenDNS Auto Glass Shop



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3230, East Broadway Road, 85040, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 813-375-9804
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.4074583, Longitude: -112.012193

kommentare 3

  • Brandon Ramsumair

    Brandon Ramsumair


    This company is nothing but scam and has been for years. They have door to door employees that come out and try to convince you that your windshield has multiple chips with a marker and a pen. They then try to pamper you up and make you feel as if there is no catch, and man are they good at it. I read the fine print on there paperwork and there's something called AOB which basically means they can sue your insurance company for payment and you the customer can be screwed in the long run owning money to the company.

  • en

    DJ Cole III


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    Kris Fedoronko


    I only gave them a one star review because I can't put negative stars. This company is a joke and brakes the law every chance they get. I know someone that worked there and his boss sent him to work door to door in a no soliciting area. Needless to say the cops were called and he was arrested. When he got out of jail the next day his boss told him that it wasn't his problem even though said person had no idea where he was . A little while later his boss called back and said he would come pick him up but was going to keep his pay check for having to do it. I would never recommend this company to anyone. On top of what happened to said person they are constantly committing insurance fraud and you may get stuck paying the price.

nächste Autoreparatur

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