Distinguished Dental en Keller

Estados UnidosDistinguished Dental



🕗 horarios

5801, Golden Triangle Boulevard, 76244, Keller, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-337-8300
sitio web: www.distinguished-dental.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9353873, Longitude: -97.2577143

comentarios 5

  • Lyn Kelly

    Lyn Kelly


    This was my first patient visit to Distinguished Dental and was very impressed with their professionalism, efficiency, and friendliness. My dental technician, Randi, was very engaging and made me feel exceptionally comfortable before, during, and after the procedure. Dr. McIntosh is a great dentist and I would recommend her, and her team, to anyone for their dental needs.

  • Lanie Duke

    Lanie Duke


    I've been coming to Dr. McIntosh's office and seeing Cindy for 5+ years and every visit is a great one. The front desk staff is always friendly and welcoming, the offices are pristine, seeing Cindy feels like catching up with an old friend, and I always leave feeling squeaky clean! It is a wonderful family-friendly atmosphere and I can't recommend them enough!

  • Matthew Dempsey

    Matthew Dempsey


    Great experience, amazing cleaning, and friendly staff. I had been *ahem* a little behind in my visits to the dentist. Cindy cleaned away several years of neglect with pain-free dexterity. Dr. McIntosh has built a professional office that has the feel of family about it. This office is roughly 40 miles from my home which should tell you everything you need to know - I drive the extra mile(s) because it is worth it! From check-in, check-up, to check-out Distinguished Dental is an unrivaled experience.

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    Brooke Fluty


    I have such anxiety about going to the dentist but I couldn't put it off any longer. Everyone here was amazing from the time I called to make my appointment to when I left. Cindy was really great! She made me feel at ease and explained everything that she was doing. Dr. McIntosh was also great and made me feel very comfortable! I highly recommend them especially if you have any fear about going to the dentist.

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    Connie De Leon


    I had a great first time emergency visit today! Even though I was in pain, the staff made me feel at home. Stephanie, Carly and my dental tech, Randi were extremely friendly and nice to me! The dentist, Dr. Sheri, was very informative and gave me options to consider; no pressure nor deadlines! i look forward to my next visit! Joe ('I'm using my wife's laptop)

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