Dinosaur Bar-B-Que w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDinosaur Bar-B-Que



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604, Union Street, 11215, Kings County, New York, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 347-429-7030
strona internetowej: www.dinosaurbarbque.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6776245, Longitude: -73.9840703

komentarze 5

  • en

    Angela H


    Who doesn't like great BBQ?! Dinosaur Bar-B-Que definitely serves up some good eats at a reasonable price. With four people, we were able to get a variety of items from the menu. We were able to kill some time at the bar while waiting for our table. The reason for four stars as opposed to five is that the hostess told us it was going to take 30-40 minutes for a table..there was half a section open. I didn't get that at all.

  • Drew Fedorka

    Drew Fedorka


    Really pleasant, laid-back ambiance and flavorful, well-portioned food. I thoroughly enjoyed my $22.50 3-meat platter. I was especially satisfied with the pork belly. My girlfriend got the veggie burger and found it bland and crumbly, but was nevertheless pleased to see a vegetarian section at a BBQ place. She really enjoyed her sides though, especially the Harlem potato salad. We sat outside and the service was prompt, despite the restaurant being busy. Overall, pleased with the experience and looking forward to going back. Reasonably-priced, decently-portioned, and tasty BBQ can be hard to find in Brooklyn, but this place succeeds!

  • en

    Daniel O'Donnell


    DO NOT waste your time trying to order on a Saturday evening. Called early ~5:30 when Gurb Hub wasn’t working (which is where the website directs you) to order for a group and was told to use Door Dash or Post Mates. 20 minutes after placing an order on post Mates it was cancelled because they were too busy. When I called back to explain, I was told there was nothing they could do unless I wanted to come pick it up, despite having spent 40 minutes at that point trying to order from them. Good food if you go in, but they don’t seem to want delivery business.

  • en

    ruth hinds


    I love the Bar-B-Que Ribs! The Best in the City! I just happened to be on my way home when passing Dinosaur Bar-B-Que. Customer service is great. You will love the Sauce. I ate My first order without the sauce. The Cucumber salad is awesome. I have been back several times. I can't get enough. I highly recommend Dinosaur-Bar-B-Que. You will enjoy yourself.

  • en

    Cherishe Cumma


    The only issue that I have with this restaurant is the struggle for parking. I had to circle the block twice before I found parking , but after about five minutes space opened up. Asides from that the decor of the restaurant is beautiful. The architect designed the restaurant to have down home country feel to it . There are artifacts everywhere and you are sure to be mesmerized by the various trinkets on the walls. The aroma that comes from the kitchen is absolutely mouth watering. My date and I ordered the swag sampler for two which had deviled eggs , ribs , wings and fried green tomatoes which you must try. After finishing the sampler I ordered ribs , Mac and cheese , and the side salad. My date ordered the pull pork , ribs , Mac and cheese and a cucumber salad. Everything on the plate was cooked to perfection , and my date said the food got his seal of approval . All in all I absolutely love this restaurant and I definitely plan on coming back.

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