Ding Tea Canton i Canton

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Forenede StaterDing Tea Canton



🕗 åbningstider

42743, Ford Road, 48187, Canton, Wayne County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 734-983-8989
internet side: ding-tea-canton.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.3213353, Longitude: -83.4627861

kommentar 5

  • Zahraa D

    Zahraa D


    I went to Ding Tea for the first time yesterday and I was not disappointed!! The place looks so cute and the decorations were spot on, very instagramable. They have a variety of delicious special teas, fresh and milk, with unique flavors! I got the Eclair Coffee and my friend got the crème brûlée. They were both so good and perfectly sweet! I would highly recommend and will definitely be coming back!

  • Oeillet



    ADORABLE, this is my favorite place to get boba!! Interior is nice, clean and spacious. So many options to choose from and you can't go wrong, all their drinks are amazing!! Highly recommend 👍 💜

  • surya chinthalaphani

    surya chinthalaphani


    Lived the boba exlerience here. The place is a vibe and is squeakishly clean and up-scale. It transports you to the different world of sweet ride. Must try in canton!!

  • Arianna Houm

    Arianna Houm


    i love this place! the workers were sweet and fast with my drink, i think this a great place, i do recommend this place! (i ordered a large peach green tea with strawberry popping boba, honey, and light ice)

  • K C

    K C


    Clean and welcoming environment. You can easily customize and place an order online. Fast service and taste is always consistent. They have a large variety of flavors and boba types for the whole family to enjoy!

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