Diana Nails w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneDiana Nails



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4150, Campbell Avenue, 22206, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-845-0215
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8407586, Longitude: -77.0895646

komentarze 5

  • Kate Ashley Brandenburg

    Kate Ashley Brandenburg


    I should have said something when I was there but I was scared to be “that person”... I had a pedicure and gel manicure on Saturday, it’s now Thursday and the manicure is peeling off - I’ve never had that happen ever, gel polish usually lasts at least 2 weeks for me and I have to go get it taken off. For the amount of money I paid I expect better quality. She also didn’t thoroughly paint my nails (didn’t paint all the way to the end of the nail) which is probably why this is peeling back. I have always had just an ok experience here, it always feels rushed, and I just don’t think the manicures are done well. Pedicure was great.

  • Kristy Palmer

    Kristy Palmer


    I love Diana nails. Fastest service I’ve ever received for gel nails, 25 minutes for take off and the manicure. Highly recommended, I’ll never go anywhere else.

  • Trish Hicks

    Trish Hicks


    Always great service when I go here. Friendly staff and never disappointed.

  • en

    Darcy Mendonca


    I always go to Diana Nails, because it is in walking distance from where I live. I'm not sure why I don't find a new nail salon, because this place does very poor jobs. The nail techs tend to rush their job and make it sloppy. Not only is it done horribly, but they have a poor/little color selection for you to choose from. The nail techs are rude and rush you to pick a color and finish the job. They never ask if you want it trimmed or filled they do it automatically, and cut it way to short. And if you want a normal manicure they only do 2 coats so for more thin colors you can see right through the polish and into the nail. Also from my experince they have made me move to the drying station half way through a manicure so someone else can get their nails done who just got in. I have also sent my daughter there while I waited outside and they tried scamming her to pay extra with the money I gave her. I had to go in there and tell them to give me the money they had made her pay extra for, and they hesitantly did. I can barley understand many of them so it's hard to enjoy the salon without worrying if you told them the right response or not. I would not reccommend ever going here. I live in the local area and I've heard very similar stories and they are a horrible salon overall. The nail polish is always smudged and chips of easily. Please take this advice and save your money for at least a decent nail salon.

  • Jessica w

    Jessica w


    My nail tech "B" did not use sanitized nail tools on me. Always make sure your tech brings packaged, auto-claved supplies when they perform your service. "B" accidentally cut my cuticle and it appeared she used the same cuticle cutters on her next guest. That is scary!! It seemed like she had one or two pairs of cutters she kept in her apron and just used those. I know accidents do happen but my complaint is using the same equipment between guests without proper cleaning. Especially when you make a guest bleed. One other thing worth noting, if you are going to just go through the motions of a hand massage without any effort, just skip it. I really hope the manager sees this and enforces good practices for all employees. I was jealous of the girl beside me whose male tech, brought sanitized nail equipment to do her manicure.

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