Diamond Hut Jewelers w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneDiamond Hut Jewelers



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701, New Jersey 440, 07304, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-332-4150
strona internetowej: www.diamondhut.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.721096, Longitude: -74.095117

komentarze 5

  • Faiz Khan

    Faiz Khan


    Very nice jewelry shop for original diamond jewelry and authentic watches like Rado, Movado, Michael Kors, Rolex and various others..

  • en

    Nelson Garcia


    I highly do not recommend this Jewelry place, they provided the worse service. I went in to purchase a new holder for my pendent because I just recently purchased a Miami Cuban link chain and the holder was too small to fit through the lock of my new chain. I provided the sales lady my chain so she can look at the size of the lock and make sure the new holder is larger enough to fit. She wrote all the details down on my order slip and I thought she understood what type of chain I carried. A week later I went in to pick up my order and the holder was too small, the sales lady then took a picture of the lock on my chain/noted my receipt as well so the jeweler can provide me with the correct sized holder. She told me to come back in three hrs and again a third time the new holder was too small. This was very frustrating especially when I go to a jeweler that is supposed to know what they’re doing. They then said to give them 10-15 mins, they asked for my chain to see the size of the lock and they took it to the back. When they came back out the holder was AGAIN TOO SMALL and I had enough, requested to cancel this order. The jeweler had the audacity to charge me $50 dollars for labor which I paid but will never return back there again. On top of charging me for something that i shouldn’t have paid for because it was their mistake, THEY POLISHED THE LOCK ON MY NEW CHAIN WITHOUT PERMISSION. Worse experience ever, poor service, awful customer service and I will let everyone I know to never purchase anything from This Diamond Hut.

  • Justin Fauder

    Justin Fauder


    My family and I have been going to Diamond Hut at the mall for as long as I can remember! We’ve always been treated like family by the staff and taken care of no matter what piece of jewelry we need. Highly recommend coming here for any piece of jewelry or watches.

  • Jordanna Das

    Jordanna Das


    My fiancé and his family is a loyal customer to Diamond Hut at Newport and Hudson Mall for many years and we absolutely wouldn’t go anywhere else. Shaun and Roger always go out of their way to take care of us and we can’t recommend them enough. My current engagement ring was completely customized to its perfection and I absolutely love it.

  • Luis Dumas

    Luis Dumas


    Fabulous collection of watches and jewelry. I shop at both the Newport Centre Mall and Hudson Mall locations and both store has excellent service, prices and selection. Highly recommend!!!!

najbliższy Jubiler

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