DiagnosTEX LLC i Hurst

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500, Grapevine Highway, 76054, Hurst, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-514-6271
internet side: www.dysphagiadiagnostex.com
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Latitude: 32.8638501, Longitude: -97.1773845

kommentar 2




  • en

    Martha Ashworth


    Thanks to the entire DiagnosTEX staff for successfully scheduling and performing the MBSS on the patient I recently referred for your services. Ronda returned my initial call the same day and provided helpful suggestions regarding my patient's unusual circumstances as an outpatient. Those same kind and helpful attitudes were exhibited by each person with whom I had contact from receiving calls, through billing, scheduling, and performing the procedure. The professionalism was excellent but always tempered with kindness and patience. My patient was anxious when we arrived but quickly relaxed as the staff put her "at ease" even though English is her second language and she experiences some difficulty with comprehension. The results of the study were valuable in giving her physician accurate information that will benefit her future treatment. I want to personally express my appreciation to Ronda, Beverly, Carolyn, Karen, Veronica, Jordan and Dr. Schilling. DiagnosTEX is an excellent organization. I would highly recommend their services for any patients who require mobile MBSS studies performed with professionalism offered in a friendly personal environment.

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