Diablo Burger en Tucson

Estados UnidosDiablo Burger



🕗 horarios

312, East Congress Street, 85701, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 520-882-2007
sitio web: diabloburger.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.2219478, Longitude: -110.9666359

comentarios 5

  • Brent Christy

    Brent Christy


    Good vibe. The English Muffin buns weren’t great. Burger and toppings were good, and the fries are great.

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    Tyson Keith


    I love this spot in Downtown Tucson. Friendly folks, locally sourced ingredients, local beers on tap, simple menu--burgers and fries, grilled cheese for kids. It's simple. They do one thing and they do it well. I highly recommend this place if you are in search of a well architected sandwich. Monthly blackboard specials that change up the menu. My favorite so far, and forgive me forgetting the signature name, was the burger with a today topped with garlic Pico de Gallo, one of the best flavor and texture combinations I have had in a sandwich! I work downtown and frequent this establishment and the only slightly negative thing I would have to say is when they are busy it can take some time to get your food,but on the flip side I see that as making sure they are meeting their quality standards. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed!

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    Gregory Thorson


    I was so disappointed with my last visit. I ordered a well done burger,the waiter argued on if it was well done or not, "he explained to me the temperature said well done". I explained to him,it's still bloody and pink" I cook for a living in a very nice restaurant,if I don't personally know the meet is grass fed,I order ground beef well done,since that's a problem they should explain they can't cook well done,because it's to challenging for them? . I was not convinced the meet was just grass fed etc,because it probaly wasn't. Well they tried to serve me the same burger. When someone sends something back you cook it again. So I watched my date eat as they brought me back out the same fries a few minutes later,to eat while I waited. I just wanted what I ordered. $47 for a bad beer selection and no food. Very unprofessional and it was the same guy from last year. I really hope they move the gem show.

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    Justin McCabe


    Burger was awesome. It was as good as the menu made it sound. Good service, attentive. The fries were good. Only little criticism is the fries were a little cold. But, their crispy-ness and flavor made up for that. 4.5stars for the fries.

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    Ronald Evans


    Food was very good albeit one of our meals was under cooked. In all fairness, they offered to correct the mail. And they made an adjustment on the bill. Service was extremely good. We would go there again.

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