Devisons Jewelers w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDevisons Jewelers



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3765, 82nd Street, 11372, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-457-5365
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7479427, Longitude: -73.8838808

komentarze 4

  • en

    Kim M


    DO NOT PATRONIZE THIS STORE, especially if you have to leave your jewelry for some kind of repair. I had a gorgeous 18kt emerald and diamond ring that needed an emerald stone replaced. It was bought from a high end jeweler years ago. When I went to pick up the ring, I didn’t examine it closely but I wasn’t happy with the color of the emerald. Anyway long story short, I came to realize some of the other stones were replaced with lesser quality ones. The stones were smaller and not as raised and you could see the gold prongs were altered. I told him it didn’t look the same and he said absolutely not; it wouldn’t pay for him to expend the labor necessary to remove the stones and replace them. Oh really?! I think not. Not when the ring is of such high quality. I had this ring for 20 years and I know what it is supposed to look like. It makes me sick this guy can get away with these kind of business tactics. Every time I wear the ring, I can feel how recessed the stones are in comparison to how these used to be. I stopped wearing it because it makes me think of him and his lousy store. Some of the emeralds were replaced along with the diamonds. The owner must be pretty desperate to do this kind of thing. People are not stupid. The bad reviews will catch up to his store and eventually put him out of business. IN REPLY TO THE OWNER’s COMMENTS: Ahhh so you remember me and the ring? How dare you distort the facts! When I got the ring back, not only did you replace the emeralds with two very poor quality smaller emeralds but at least two of the diamonds were also replaced. I know my ring and I know that the diamonds were always above the prongs. Now they are under the prongs. I showed it to you but you refused to acknowledge that the ring was different. I showed you how the 18kt gold prongs were distorted too because you swapped my high quality diamonds out and replaced them with your junkie ones. I can’t even wear the ring anymore because it is ruined. THE ONLY ABILITY YOU HAVE IS TO RECOGNIZE HIGH QUALITY STONES WHEN YOU SEE THEM! BUYER BEWARE! Hopefully my review will make the owner think twice before doing this to other customers but I still wouldn’t take a chance with this store. Judging from the recent reviews I just read, I see that I am not alone! I wish I could report him to the police.

  • Oscar Afre

    Oscar Afre


    Shady. Complete disregard for me as a customer. Customer is definitely not right in this store. Oh well. Maybe I had bad luck. Beware.

  • Chanell G

    Chanell G


    HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE DO NOT GO TO THIS CHEAP STORE HORRIBLE QUALITY NO REGARD FOR CUSTOMERS AT ALL. I had an exact photo of a necklace that was lost over time and they indicated it could be replicated. I went in the first time with high hopes and was disappointed with the quality and the lack of similarities. Come in a second time (from my neighborhood, Harlem) and again the necklace was terrible. The manager proceeded to embarrass me in front of customers by yelling at me and showing the necklace to others asking if they liked the necklace. The customers were obviously friends of the owner (they were speaking to each other and laughing like chums) and agreed. I told the manger that my opinion is the one that mattered since I was the one purchasing. Long story short I am leaving the store completely empty handed and without my $100 deposit.

  • en

    Eduardo Gamboa


    Excellent, great customer service very professional. I love the inventory really good quality for best prices.

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