Detroit Public Health STD Clinic w Detroit

Stany ZjednoczoneDetroit Public Health STD Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

50, East Canfield Street, 48201, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 313-577-9100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3528767, Longitude: -83.0606632

komentarze 5

  • Terry Allen

    Terry Allen


    I did not like the process of how checking for diseases is gone about. I mean not only didthe lady try to literally cut my wind pipe off in my throat but she tried to get me to swallow a horse pill when i repeatedly told i have a problem with swallowing pills. Very disappointed and for my annual check up I will not dare come here. ✌

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    grace snyder


    Wish I could have gave zero stars. DO NOT GO HERE. You can find a better place to go to. You will wait forever and they won’t give you or your ride a doctors note for work. I got fired from my job. The ladies at the front desk are absolutely rude and it’s appalling.

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    Taylor White


    I waited in the waiting room for two hours. People who got there after me were called in before me, almost positive they did not have appointments because I could hear their conversation at the front desk check in. Whoever is managing or owner of this facility needs to hire in more staff because it was absolutely ridiculous, I ended up leaving because I had to work and do not have the time to spend 4 hours waiting for a simple STD testing. I do not recommend. Wayne State University should provide better.

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    What Name


    Unprofessional conduct and liars...long wait on the telephones and very rude staff on the medical Ob/GYN side. I had obtained a postcard and I went there to receive medical care as I shared this data with my former alumni, WSU, that I had bad experience at Providence Hopsital, and that I did not have a cell phone because it was compromised, the staff was laughing, called the police on me and had the police lock me up then I was informed that someone had stole my identity and had even voted as me and fraudulently married me, however, I did not benefit from any of the law suits, not housing, nor disability benefits....even when they were working with my creditals. I did not get any help from the DHS, Neighborhood Services, Meyers housing dept, CAM, CHS, Churches, nor the KMG. Ms. Biles

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    Tina Bates


    I understand services can range from free to minimum based on your ability to pay! I also understand it's a walk in clinic. What don't understand why I can't my test results and treatment in a timely manner. I have called continuously and still no response. How could this process be effective in stopping diseases?

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