Detroit Children's Museum i Detroit

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDetroit Children's Museum


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6134, 2nd Avenue, 48202, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 313-873-8100
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Latitude: 42.3652122, Longitude: -83.07385

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jaime Batdorff


    It seemed out to me this was closed on a Saturday?

  • Andy Butler

    Andy Butler


    Same as other reviewers. It says it is open, drove all the way down here, = NOT OPEN

  • en

    Maria Dickerson


    Why is this museum being advertised on local Detroit stations when it is NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC? This makes no sense whatsoever! Since it is open to DPS schools only...wouldn't the DPS schools KNOW THIS thus no need to show on television. NOT all school age children ATTEND DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS...but would benefit from the experience of the Children's Museum. Can someone figure this hard it is actually?

  • en

    Nancy Wyroba


    Took grand children today. Website said open today 9 to 4. NOT! Sign on door says open to DPS only. Common sense says put that on the website! Apparently the staff lacks in that department.

  • Kay G

    Kay G


    My little brothers absolutely adored this museum ! they were talking about all the things that they learned the entire way home! I'm so glad its reopened it also boasts the little planetarium for the kids too ! "best fieldtrip they've evere had!"

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