Design Ramon Hair Studio i Phoenix

Forenede StaterDesign Ramon Hair Studio



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4405, East Ray Road, 85044, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-763-5588
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.320046, Longitude: -111.9884819

kommentar 5

  • Jan l

    Jan l


    Ramon is amazing. He offers his professional advice and explains any direction I could go with and what results that would achieve. Ramon works miracles on my hair.

  • Jane Isabel

    Jane Isabel


    The best and most consistent styling and service I have ever experienced .... I have been a client since November 2011. I highly recommend! Love the salon... all stylists make you feel welcome!

  • en

    Dolores Bernal


    Ramon is an excellent stylist. He and his staff always make you feel welcome. The shop is beautiful and it's always a wonderful experience.

  • en

    Juan Estrada


    Excellent place to stop by for a stylish haircut and great customer service. I had the pleasure of being attended by Ali and my experience was great. She helped me decide exactly what style of haircut to get and looked great when completed. Definitely going back!!! Thanks for helping me decide on what type of haircut Ali.

  • en

    Marisol Aguayo


    Getting a new hair style was hard to decide but with the incredible help and experience from this adorable hairstylist named Ali, deciding what I wanted was easy. she is phenomenal in what she does and she definitely does miracles with your hair. I have high expectations in customer service and I can definitely say Ali is the best hairstylist in town.

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