Der Biergarten i Atlanta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDer Biergarten



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300, Marietta Street NorthWest, 30313, Atlanta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 404-521-2728
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Latitude: 33.7616997, Longitude: -84.3964439

kommentar 5

  • W Cannon

    W Cannon


    Food looked great. Unfortunately had too much of a vinager taste in both meals. Spent several years in Germany ate many of these same meals at restaurants and friends homes. Might have just been a bad day. Nice beer selection. Server/service was polite and fast. Several places to park in the area but pricey.

  • Gerry Wyckoff

    Gerry Wyckoff


    The food we had was just OK. Nothing notable. I lived in Germany for 5 years and know what I am talking about. The staff were quite friendly and efficient. But just your usual wait staff. Nothing reflecting Germany. And the music, top 40 I guess. Not German music to add to the atmosphere. Beer selection was good and served in 1 liter mugs, if you want, as you would expect. But the food and menu selection need help. And they need to step up the German atmosphere.

  • Caitlin McMahan

    Caitlin McMahan


    Such a good experience. It was very busy at the restaurant and the staff were working so hard to get orders, drinks, and check on their customers. I appreciate all their hard work. For dinner, we had wienerschnitzel, potatoes, red cabbage, a brautwurst, and a giant pretzel. All the food was delicious. The beers are great!

  • Curt Ingram

    Curt Ingram


    Food menu was pretty small, but what we ordered was good. There's a great German beer selection on tap. No hard ciders on tap. The open-to-the-outdoors terrace was really nice in a beautiful evening in late February. Service was great!

  • Danny Vincent

    Danny Vincent


    This establishment is simply great. The food and service are amazing but the service is the best. If you don’t visit TL at the bar you’ll definitely be missing the most important part of the experience and service. He was so good to us. The visit was very meaningful to my wife and I. It is both of our birthdays as well as our anniversary. He really made the experience very personal and pleasant. We will be back.

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