Dependable Tax Services w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDependable Tax Services


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80, Livingston Street, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-858-4962
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6913031, Longitude: -73.9910146

komentarze 2

  • Evelyn Robinson

    Evelyn Robinson


    They don't deserve stars. The professionalism is horrible and I had to file a complaint to get my questions answered. They never filed my state only federal. And gave me the run around after I called 1,000 times. Its ridiculous don't stress yourself out filing with them.

  • Ari Winters

    Ari Winters


    Hands down, the worst accountant I've ever worked with. My wife had used him 3 years in a row, and his quality declined drastically after the first year. The second year she filed with Jeff, he failed to file her taxes on time due to some "family issues" that he had to deal with (even though he had all of the paperwork necessary). In lieu of the penalties for the late filing, Jeff offered to file her taxes free of charge for the following year. In the third year of filing (2013), after providing all of the necessary information and documentation by the date that he requested, Jeff never actually filed the paperwork (2nd year in a row now). In addition to never filing, the IRS had no record of any filing for an extension. After 6 months of emails and phone calls, (between April and September), Jeff told us time again that everything was alright, and that he would get to filing the taxes before the deadline. He told us he was busy moving offices and would get to it. He finally filed her taxes on October 15th (the very end of the deadline for the extension). After the taxes were filed, we found out from an IRS notice that Jeff never even filed for an extension, so there was an exorbitant outstanding balance of penalties and interest accrued due to the failure-to-file. After receiving the notification from the IRS, we informed Jeff, who said he would "refile" for the extension, and try to get the penalties removed. It has now been over a year, and the penalties have never been removed, and we have since moved to using a different accountant who is attempting to fix the horrendous errors made. TL;DR An accountant that 2 years in a row failed to file taxes on time, failed to file even an extension. Penalties and interest accrued due to Failure-to-file, worst accountant i've ever worked with.

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