Dental Specialists of Florida i Brandon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDental Specialists of Florida


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2488, West Brandon Boulevard, 33511, Brandon, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-337-6746
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Latitude: 27.9425788, Longitude: -82.3237029

kommentar 1

  • Janet Singer

    Janet Singer


    First, I would’ve left 0 stars, but it won’t allow that. Second, this is my experience with this office. I provided my insurance coverage (3 policies that I pay for) in ample time for verification prior to surgery date. I received a call from Leslie, the insurance clerk at Brandon, stating she verified insurance on the day prior to surgery because she’s busy. She left message at 4:09pm the day before surgery saying to call by 5:00 pm or first thing next am to discuss insurance payment. I returned her call first thing Friday am to discover my secondary insurance needs a medical denial prior to their ability to cover and Leslie informed me they don’t file medical. Therefore my 3rd insurance can’t be used due to secondary not able to be filed. All of this information was given to me the morning of surgery. Whereas, with three insurances to verify, I am horrified that Dental Specialties of Brandon did not choose to verify earlier. Only primary can pay with short notice and if I had not cancelled, I would be left to pay a small fortune that I do not have and am left in pain to find someone else to properly handle this situation.

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