Dental Care of Alexandria & McLean in Alexandria w Alexandria

Stany ZjednoczoneDental Care of Alexandria & McLean in Alexandria



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1451, Belle Haven Road, 22307, Alexandria, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-661-9144
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.7798995, Longitude: -77.057579

komentarze 5

  • Tom O'Hara

    Tom O'Hara


    This office provides excellent service and is staffed with caring and efficient people. Veronica does a great job as a hygienist and I look forward to her every time I visit. I also appreciate that the office offers additional services which may cost extra but give you the opportunity in writing accept or deny using them. The whole staff, from receptionist to dentist is friendly and know their jobs.

  • Jae -

    Jae -


    Wow wow wow, this office a amazing! I had a bad experience with a dentist prior to Covid and needed a new dentist! My orthodontist referred me and still I was reluctant. I broke a tooth that force me to seek immediate attention. I called and I was amazed at how quickly them got me in. At first the front office person was not very patient regarding my insurance but we pressed forward and got appointment scheduled. She may have been just having a bad day for obvious reasons once I meet her. Marcella the hygienist is fantabulous. The best cleaning experience I have ever had-seriously! very gentle and put you at ease. Dr. Hindman was pleasant and patient! Gave solid advice about the next steps and I didn’t feel like I was being sole a bag of unnecessary dental work! I highly recommend this practice and I am forever grateful I went to them! No more dental anxiety!

  • shawn swival

    shawn swival


    I am so happy to have found Dental Care of Alexandria! I've been coming here for 5 years, and since joining this practice have never looked back. All of the providers here are absolutely wonderful. Maricela is one of the best hygienists I have met. She always takes care of me during my routine dental cleanings and her gentle touch and friendly attitude put me at ease during my visits. She makes coming to the dentist enjoyable! The rest of the staff is very professional and I always have great experiences. I highly recommend this office!

  • jason hernandez

    jason hernandez


    This is by far the best experience I have ever had with any dental care office. The staff is very helpful and friendly. Recently had some extractions done, and the staff called me to check up on me at the end of the day. This level of personalized service is just not something you find anymore. Highly recommend to give them a shot!

  • Jom2005



    I love going to this dental office in Alexandria. Everyone- from the receptionist to the dental assistants/dental hygienists and dentists are very friendly. I had different procedures done in this office and my experience has always been great. My 6 year old daughter and my husband go there as well and always have great experience. Currently I'm in the process of placing crowns over my front teeth, Dr. Naimee is working on this procedure and so far he is excellent ( he is very knowledgeable) . Donna ( dental assistant) who took care of me today was so caring and explained everything she was doing.

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