Dell & Dean, PLLC i Garden City

Forenede StaterDell & Dean, PLLC



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1225, Franklin Avenue, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-880-9700
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.733775, Longitude: -73.6353164

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cynthia Melendez


    Being a part of Dell & Dean so far has been such an amazing experience. As an employee I have come to admire and appreciate all the hard work and dedication that each and every team member gives on a daily basis. I love Joe's dedication and attention to each and every client and management of the success of this firm. I recommend him to everyone as the attorney you want on your side.

  • en

    Philip Maresca


    I have been an employee of Dell & Dean for about two years now, and all I can say is, it has been a blessing throughout. To work along side attorneys and paralegals who are truly dedicated to getting our clients the justice they deserve. Giving each and every case individualized care and attention and making the clients feel like they are family. It has truly been an honor to be part of the D2 family.

  • Gabriela Meade

    Gabriela Meade


    Dell & Dean are the attorneys you want on your side. They are knowledgeable, professional and will fight for what’s right. I’ve only been working at D2 for about 4 months but I can honestly say it’s become my second family. Thanks Joe and Chris for the opportunity to work for the best!

  • en

    Wayne Compasso


    We want to give Dell and Dean a huge thank you from the bottom of our hearts. They and their staff were so attentive, compassionate and professional. They were always available to speak with were warriors on our behalf. Thank you again Mr. Dell, Ms. Little and Mr. Dean for being Rock Stars I would recommend your office always.

  • Shockwave The Scientist

    Shockwave The Scientist


    Dell & Dean is such an amazing, professional and very admirable firm. I am amazed everyday working with Joe and everyone here. The high level of teamwork, professionalism and respect that both the employees and clients get is amazing. Joe Dell is amazing at what he does. I have never worked for someone who is so caring and involved with each and everyone of his clients. Same with his whole staff too. I understand why this firm is so successful. Joe is truly a leader, smart, humble and caring. I couldn't be more honored and proud to be a part of this team and more importantly to learn and grow from the best.

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