Del Mar Dental w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneDel Mar Dental



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6726, Camp Bowie Boulevard, 76116, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-710-7443
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7223012, Longitude: -97.4331075

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adam Adam's


    First time appointment. The first 30 minutes was spent in the lobby. I was then taken back for x-rays. Upon completion they sat me down In another room. I wait for another 10 minutes and then the dentist showed up. She was nice and spent all of 5 minutes with me. I the thought I was going to get my teeth cleaned and instead was asked to wait in the lobby. What the heck????? I told the girl o was confused and then another came to see me sign off on some sort of waiver. By this time I'm 1 hour into my visit. They then take me to the back, to a private room for my cleaning. They put the towel on me and then walked away. During this long wait, I decided to write this review. I'm now 15 minutes later still in the private room wondering if I'm ever going to get my teeth cleaned????? This is the oddest practice I've ever experienced! The staff has had little to no interaction with me. For so many employees, this place is a giant let down! I don't understand why I would be sat down for a cleaning only to be left alone in a room for 20 minutes?????

  • Antonio Ramirez

    Antonio Ramirez


    Super slow I've been here for 2 hours

  • Junior Black

    Junior Black


    It was outstanding. The staff and Dentist greeted and made sure my family had an experience well worth it.

  • Daniel Villegas

    Daniel Villegas


    Excellent Dentist office. The staff is super friendly and very professional. They go out of their way to explain the care they will be providing and are exceptional at making sure you understand what is needed.

  • Amy McIntosh

    Amy McIntosh


    I have been bringing my son to Del Mar Dental for almost 2 years and I am definitely glad that Del Mar was recommended to me by a co-worker. The office is very kid friendly. The office staff is wonderful. They explain everything thoroughly and I have never worried that there would be any surprises in my patient statement. The office hours are very flexible, and that is great for working parents. Both dentist have provided exceptional care to my son. They have a patient for life!

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