Deck Master Home Improvement en New York

Estados UnidosDeck Master Home Improvement



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81, Halpin Avenue, 10312, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-514-9299
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5530909, Longitude: -74.1865363

comentarios 5

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    Ryan Marcus


    Good deck builders, horrible concrete masons.Asked them from the beginning to make sure concrete slab was poured to make an even surface (grading). Yessed me to death. Uneven (20 pct off on grading) then played stupid on how to make an uneven surface even with concrete. Offered to bring dirt in on remaining side piece to make it “appear” even. Very disappointed. Would never use again.

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    Ree Allday


    I had my deck done last week and it turned out amazing. The builders were professional and cleaned up after themselves. Lou , the boss, always answered when I called with any questions. Harry gave me my initial assessment and estimate and he was thorough and patient with no pressure to sign off right then. The deck took about 4 days to complete due to the weather but it was worth the wait. I plan on using this company again for my pavers around my house. Completely satisfied with job!

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    Catherine Schiavone


    Great company, great workers. Gave us our dream deck. Reasonable, professional and cooperative. It was a pleasure to work with deckmasters. Listened to and honored every detail of design we discussed. Gave great suggestions - they are absolutely experts in their field. I highly recommend DeckMasters!!!

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    Lucille Schiavone


    I had an unusual situation with Deckmaster’s in that I thought originally I just needed a repair to an existing deck. To my surprise, my deck had become unsafe after 25 years and need to be taken down and complete rebuilt. In a short week this was accomplished! From start to finish a completely perfect experience. The first meeting arranged the plan at a very good price and we began. The workers were wonderful professional and respectful of my home and wishes. The work was done by experts on time. I highly recommend the experts in decks. DECKMASTER!

  • Allison Hunter

    Allison Hunter


    We watched Deck Master design and install a massive deck around our neighbors pool. Each day, the crew members showed up on time and left the work area spotless. The final product was perfection!! We knew then that we had to hire them to install an entry ramp into our home. From start to finish, Deck Master was fast, professional, extremely thorough and did everything with a smile. It is good to see that there are still companies that have pride in their work and handle their business with integrity.

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