DC Office of Tax and Revenue w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneDC Office of Tax and Revenue



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1101, 4th Street Southwest, 20024, Washington, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 202-727-4829
strona internetowej: otr.cfo.dc.gov
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8776419, Longitude: -77.0180754

komentarze 5

  • en



    My dreadful experience with this office started from following their own guideline from their website. I needed to register a new entity in DC and apply for tax exemption. The FAQ section of the Tax Office's website stated you can do it all in one step. Fill out and file forms FR 500 and FR 164 and send them to a specific address. Which is exactly what I did. A couple of weeks go by and I get an envelope in the mail from OTR, telling me that they no longer accept hard copy applications and everything now has to be done online. After searching in vain for a while on their website for a way to file for registration and exemption at the same time, I contacted their customer support by email and was told that now those processes are separate steps. Ok. I filed for registration online. Thankfully, this process worked fine without any glitches. And in about a week or two I received my registration. Now, my next step is to apply for the exemption. The FAQ on the website STILL says I have to fill out form FR 164 and file it hard copy. Which I know is not true but no separate instructions are given. I searched all around the website and ended up deciding to call customer service. Their working hours are from morning to 5:30pm - be prepared to stay on the phone pretty much the entire time if you ever need to get some help from their customer service! I called them, listened to all of their lengthy advertising at the beginning (which you can't skip), only to have my call suddenly disconnected from their end. Called again - same story. Finally, on the third time, I was able to get through. I was on hold for over 30 minutes. Most agencies tell you how long the wait would be, but this office doesn't. You have to stay on hold listening to the hideous music until someone finally picks up. So a lady finally picked up and, when I told her what my problem was, she told me to go to mytax.dc.gov and click on the menu "request government exemption" (earlier I was searching on the main Dc Tax website, not mytax.dc.gov, in the menu where all the forms are still posted). Ok, I go there and the call disconnects before I get a chance to confirm that it works. Well, it doesn't work. You start the online application process, and the very first step boots you out of it. You start answering questions on the form and it simply tells you that you need to fill out FR 164 and file it. It tells you you need to do it through the Mytax.dc.gov portal. That's where I tried to do it!! And finally, the cherry on top of the pie, is that if you log in on the mytax.dc.gov, after that the only menu available to you is your profile and the management of your different forms and payments. You can't access the main Mytax.dc.gov portal with all of its different options anymore. The "Home" page now is your own profile with its limited options. This is a total nightmare.

  • en

    Kandace T


    I filed my 2015 tax refund late and received a notice asking me to call a number to verify my identity. I was given a set of 4 questions which didn't relate at to my identity. I was told I failed the test. I was then given a number to call the Office of Tax Revenue. I've been on hold for over 30 minutes now with no real person on the phone, the same message repeats every 20 seconds telling me how responding in a 'prompt manner' will expedite things. No one is responding at all on the Government's end.. forget about prompt.

  • en

    Ton Chryso


    Sad to say the DC Office of Tax and Revenue doesn't seem to be able to get anything done right. I am getting notices of delinquency for a nanny tax account that has been closed for years (with repeated confirmation) and penalty notices for taxes that were paid on time and in full. Every year there is a new surprise and every time it's harder to believe that the mistakes are not made with malicious intent. People tend to be mad at the IRS, but I had nothing but good experiences with them. I'm not a tax expert, so I'm grateful for when they fix my clerical mistakes in a way that makes sense. The DC Office of Tax and Revenue in turn seems to take delight in applying the worst possible interpretation even where the information is clear. I dearly love DC and wouldn't want to live any place else, but the public administration does its level best to dampen that enthusiasm.

  • Christopher Labas

    Christopher Labas


    Dismal, bad as it's ever been. The My Tax BS thing is impossible to sign in, much less navigate. I hope one day DC gets it right.

  • Saira Butt

    Saira Butt


    Short version: I am still waiting for my 2015 tax year refund. After months of contact and some paperwork, I only just found out in March that someone fraudulently cashed my check. Long version: Back when they had the old online system and I could check the status of my tax refund online, I noticed that the check was noted to have been issued in June 2016 (they had me fill out some paperwork to verify my claim). So I waited patiently for a while, but the check never came. I called Customer Service to see the status. They told me they would check if the check was cashed, and if not, they would send me a stop check order. I received the stop check order and mailed it back immediately. Months later, I still hadn't received anything. I called them back. They said to give it another month. I did. I was getting nervous about the fact that I'm moving soon, so I escalated it to a Problem Resolution Officer. She directed me to Customer Service again, but I couldn't get a hold of them. So she gave me the number of the supervisor. I called him, and then he told me that actually, the check had been cashed (NOT by me) back in July 2016. So then I had to call the treasury to figure out the next steps. I went in to pick a form for an investigation into who cashed my check. They told me this will take 3-6 months, and this was 2 weeks before I moved out of DC. Of course, the notaries on staff were not in the office that day, so I couldn't even just get it all done there. They told me they would keep me updated, and what a surprise - not a word from them even though I went out of my way to make sure they had a good contact number after I moved. I have no idea what is happening, but I refuse to let the DC government pocket the money owed to me. If they knew that my check had been cashed back in July 2016, why were they stringing me along all this time?!?! On the bright side, the Problem Resolution Officer was helpful, and the Customer Service Manager was extremely responsive and helpful. I just wish they weren't the exception.

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