Days Inn by Wyndham Nashville At Opryland/Music Valley Dr w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneDays Inn by Wyndham Nashville At Opryland/Music Valley Dr



🕗 godziny otwarcia

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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
2460, Music Valley Drive, 37214, Nashville, Davidson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 615-200-9939
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.2221529, Longitude: -86.6950289

komentarze 5

  • Lizzy Speights

    Lizzy Speights


    Wowww was this hotel gross and sketchy. The photos I saw online made it look like a pretty standard roadside hotel, but this was the dirtiest hotel/motel I've ever set foot in.The corridors were dark, and the entire building seemed to be in disrepair. My room was directly next to the elevator shaft and I was honestly scared to be there as a solo female traveler. The floors and furniture were so visibly dirty, old, and stained that I didn't want to take my shoes or clothes off. One chair had a cigarette burn in it. The bathtub had a black layer of dirt, and the light fixture had dead flies in it. Many of the fixtures in my room were broken. For $126 a night, I would expect much, much more. If you are looking for a place nearby the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center, skip this place. I would much rather have paid the higher fee to stay in the resort.

  • en

    Natasha Legge


    Pulled back my covers to go to bed and found a blood stain on my sheet. Called the front desk about it his exact words were 'what would you like? New sheets?' I said 'well, yes, I guess if that's all you can do.' he responded with 'well your going to have to come down and get them'. Now that's not really how I would've handled it at all, not to mention he had a little aggravated tone in his voice. It wasn't my fault not my problem to solve but I went down got the sheets and made my own bed, even though that's not really what you pay for.

  • claudia arizmendi

    claudia arizmendi


    Suficientementr cómodo, cayado, buen servicio e instalaciones. Buen transporte al centro y económico y muy cerca de Centro de convenciones y el Mall

  • es

    Luis Morales


    Es un lugar muy malo, sucio y la atención es pesima. No se lo recomiendo a NADIE. al señor de la recepción se le escapó decirnos que les cobran 100$ a los huéspedes para dejarlos "fumar" en las habitaciones. A parte te cobran 50$ "reembolsables" y es mentira. Porque yo los pague por 2 habitaciónes y nunca me regresaron mis 100$. me los robaron. Ese hotel es una ratonera. La ciudad debería cerrarlo.

  • Alberto Torales

    Alberto Torales


    Es un hotel muy económico contra los otros hoteles de la zona, pero las instalaciones son muy viejas. Caminando a unos 10 minutos tiene un restaurante de comida muy bueno, pero es altamente aconsejable que rentes un auto, tengas un numero telefónico de taxis o alguna aplicación como UBER.

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