Day Spa Nails en Grapevine

Estados UnidosDay Spa Nails



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2350, Hall - Johnson Road, 76051, Grapevine, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-421-2013
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8939123, Longitude: -97.1040531

comentarios 5

  • en

    Julia Jackson


    The people here are soooo nice and take extra care to make sure your nails look 11/10. By far one of my best nail salon experiences!!

  • Emily Miller

    Emily Miller


    Loved my experience at Day Spa Nails!! They have new management and the place looks amazing. Lynn did my nails and she was great. Took great care of my nails and was fun to talk with. Definitely will come back! : )

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    Tracy Le


    I had been coming here for years because it next to my daughter house. After the new management take over this place, the salon looked so fabulous, the services are upscale. Lynn is wonderful and everyone are professional, I will take my coworkers here soon.

  • LAUREN KING [student]

    LAUREN KING [student]


    I absolutely love this place! My go to girl is Jenny and she has never let me down! There are deals all the time so you never have to pay full price. Everytime I go I am pleasantly surprised how long my dip and tip nails stay on, almsot a month every time! Definitely go to day spa!!

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    Angela Guajardo


    This was my first trip to Day Spa. I was immediately impressed with the elegance and ambiance of the salon. I was greeted and seated right away, which I greatly appreciated since I’m super indecisive about my nail color. The staff was very patient with me and offered me a beverage during my decision process. I ended up asking my technician’s opinion to help me decide on the 2 colors I liked most. She actually convinced me try the dip polish, even though I had a bad experience at a previous salon. Since then, I’m super sensitive to the nail Dremel, which I communicated to Hannah. She was super sweet about it and was so gentle the entire time. I’m so happy with results and cannot stop staring at my nails! For once, I don’t have any soreness around my cuticles! I will absolutely be returning to Day Spa with Hannah in a month and maybe even splurge on a facial!

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