David Zwirner i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDavid Zwirner



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525, West 19th Street, 10011, New York, New York County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 212-727-2070
internet side: www.davidzwirner.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.745866, Longitude: -74.006985

kommentar 5

  • Christina Maldonado

    Christina Maldonado


    This gallery usually has really good exhibitions throughout the year.

  • David Summerill

    David Summerill


    They are in a great location to enjoy not just artists that they represent but also the local restaurants and culture.

  • Annie Oh

    Annie Oh


    It's a small space for an art gallery. I went their for Yayoi Kusama's Festival of Life exhibit. I went the last day it was going to be showcased and was waiting for 5 hours outside. they are actually very organized. It could've gone really bad but they had security and were really good about getting people in and out. Very time efficient. But like i said, it's a very small space for exhibitions like that.

  • en

    Matt ElSabry


    Went at the perfect time (around 2 on a Tuesday). Wait was about 25 mins outside and about 10 inside. Can't say I'd really wait longer than that knowing how rushed you are through the rooms once inside. There are 3 exhibits, each in there own room that you wait in line for. The mirror exhibit is in the first room and you timed once your group is inside. When I say timed I literally mean the employees have stop watches around their necks. 30 seconds later you are "asked" to leave. 30 SECONDS! Nowhere near enough time to actually take in the piece. Take your pictures and reflect later lol. The second exhibit is the lights and that was a little bit longer, yet still rushed out. The last exhibit in this part is the red polka dot room which you can actually take your time in and take pictures. From there you can go outside and then into another part of the gallery where you have all the time in the world to enjoy the pieces on the walls. Overall I did enjoy the pieces. The gallery employees on the other hand could definitely stand to be a little less abrasive.

  • Helgi Øster Petersen

    Helgi Øster Petersen


    Virkelig et fedt sted. Der var en stor oplevelse at være her.

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