Dave & Buster's w Pelham

Stany ZjednoczoneDave & Buster's



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881, Pelham Parkway, 10803, Pelham, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-380-8500
strona internetowej: www.daveandbusters.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.892236, Longitude: -73.821055

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tanaya Dominick


    This place has so much potential to be an amazing spot. Maybe its just because I am a stickler for cleanliness. But Ive been here a couple times some times on busy nights sometimes not. You cant get a bartender to pay you any mind if your life depended on it and the food takes forever, regardless of its busy or not. The games are fun and the food is great but the place is dirty. There are fries all over the floor like someone had a fight with french fries. The bar is half empty but you cant tell because there are still plates and cups left after people are gone. The floors are soooo sticky.

  • Tuffy Questell

    Tuffy Questell


    This is one of many Dave & Busters that I have been to with my daughter and family....THIS IS NOW OUR FAVORITE!!! The staff was great!! My daughter and my nephew along with my sister Serena had a BLAST while Terence and I watched 3 games, 2 fights, golf, MMA, & 2 in depth interviews on the 15 screens located in the food area!!! AWESOME!!!

  • en

    Shae Brown


    Firay time visiting the Pelham location. In the beginning I was not impressed. Your told to sit anywhere then found out the area we sat in you needed to be seated....okay once that was cleared up we were seated ate, played a few games then went to the bar. We had a bartender names Robert who was the best!!!! He made up for all the negative thoughts I had in the beginning. Robert was attentive friendly an all around pleasure. . .We now only visit if Robert is working. If you go find out if Robert is working you will not be disappointed in his service. GREAT GUY




    This was my first time at this location. Very friendly and courteous service. Very clean. It wasn't really crowded but just enough of a crowd for you to enjoy that arcade vibe without feeling overwhelmed. The prices were pretty decent for me. I bought 4 power play cards for a $100 bucks, and my food bill was $130 with tax and gratuity for a party of 5 including 4 cocktails!

  • Jhana Johnson

    Jhana Johnson


    Great place and ambiance. Service was not great though... food took way too long, they forgot three of our orders which didn't make it to the table until members of the group were almost done with their food. Burnt and dried fries and Chicken. What saved the rating was the actual wait staff... they were great and tried their best to meet our needs. It was also very crowded, so maybe you they need training on how to manage high volumes of people, or higher more staff.

najbliższy Bar

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