Daruma Ramen w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneDaruma Ramen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

East 6th Street, 78701, Austin, Travis County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 512-369-3897
strona internetowej: www.darumaramen.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.266438, Longitude: -97.736558

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kyle Olson


    Small and intimate seating. Concise menu with a few beer options (and wine and non-alcoholic). Self seating with perfunctory wait staff. Once ordered service was prompt, food quickly follows drinks. Ramen temp is good. Very serviceable when downtown noodles are needed just don't expect pork broth.

  • Kevin Shen

    Kevin Shen


    Their ramen is very tasty, soup is full of flavors but not salty, and their noodle is cooked to the perfect softness. The restaurant is fairly small, so might need to wait in line when it's busy. Ordered their karage as well, it's a little too crispy outside, but the chicken is very juicy. PS. 5:30pm to 7:00pm Monday to Friday is their happy hour, all sides are $1.00 off.

  • Ryan Sagare

    Ryan Sagare


    Delicious 😋 noodles 🍜 for a great price. Thoroughly impressed with the food 🥘 here. They sell beer 🍺! It’s a small intimate place! The servers were nice 👍🏻. I’m glad the other options nearby happened to be close! My favorite spot to eat near the dirty 6th! Too bad the close before the street party does!

  • en

    Zicheng Hu


    Nice staff. However, I did not particularly enjoy the food. The bamboo shoots in the soup smells funny. And my stomach does not feel good the next day.

  • Dustin Baldwin

    Dustin Baldwin


    Really great ramen here. Not a huge selection, but the staff were friendly and helped my wife and I pick something out. It was delicious and I left full and happy. Also, whoever picked the soundtrack the night we were in is amazing, because it was intense. I picked up, like, three bands just sitting around listening to the stereo.

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