Darkside Haunted House Darkside Productions Inc i Calverton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDarkside Haunted House Darkside Productions Inc


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5184, New York 25A, 11933, Calverton, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-369-7227
internet side: www.darksideproductions.com
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Latitude: 40.9373537, Longitude: -72.8036871

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cristofer Robles


    I love it. Especially with people who get scared easily and the “tough” one with you. The actor are really professional and stayed in scene even when I was asking them for Starbucks. I really recommend it if you are in a group. One recommendation is that in the elevator people should go through the vents or something like that. Another recommendation is that under tables someone can pop out or a psycho chases you. Other than that it was the best haunted house I have been in.

  • Rajeev Lekhram

    Rajeev Lekhram


    The absolute best haunted house experience I have ever had. The costumes and scenes are well thought out and breathtaking. My friend dropped his phone and one of the "zombies" found and it, and left a few spooky selfies! I 100% recommend. Worth the drive and the wait on line.

  • Milton Kaplanidis

    Milton Kaplanidis


    Best haunted house I have been too, way better than Schmitts and much scarier. Very well acted set pieces amazing. Get there early because the line gets very long very fast. Truly an enjoyable and fun place.

  • en

    Brianna Nesta


    Much better than gateway longer, better costumes and jump scares. 20 minute wait even though it was crowded they're very efficient and the men in top hats working at the gates make the wait enjoyable. Best on Long Island

  • Teresa Carolina Guevara

    Teresa Carolina Guevara


    Went here and gateway's playhouse on the same night. Gateway's is nice but this was much scarier. I felt they had enough actors when i went. I went on a Saturday night maybe the other reviewer went on a day there was less actors? So many jump scares! Great make-up! Had me screaming so much! I would definitely go again. This is 100% worth the drive! And they had Moe's coupons which was a plus +

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