Danny's U Pull It en San Antonio

Estados UnidosDanny's U Pull It



🕗 horarios

4805, Roosevelt Avenue, 78214, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 210-924-4600
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 29.332521, Longitude: -98.481315

comentarios 5

  • en

    Milton Hobdy


    Had want i needed and a great price!

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    Alex Salinas


    At first try the directions were showing a very long route.

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    Everlast Sanchez


    Great place fast service

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    Chelsea Long


    Do not try to call. The lady on the phone was rude and disrespectful. She answered the phone "recycling," no greeting, no thank you for calling, and did not provide me the name of the business to reassure me I had called the right place (very confusing). I began to tell her I was looking for a part for my car. She abruptly interrupted me and rudely informed me I had called the wrong number (this was recycling only) , making me feel like an idiot for not knowing there are 2 different numbers, even though that information was not posted online. She did give me the number for parts, but she said with a lot of sass that they were closed and probably wouldn't answer because I called outside normal business hours (they closed at 6 and I called at 6:01), which I already knew - I was going to leave a message because I usually work during normal business hours. The lady had an attitude the entire time she was on the phone, and because of that I never called the parts number. I moved on to the next yard on my list, and they were extremely friendly and helpful over the phone, so I will be taking my business to them instead. If the manager or owner of Danny's U Pull It in San Antonio reads my review, please know you lost business because your recycling rep does not know how to answer the phone and give adequate customer service.

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    Lupe Vaquera


    Awesome!! My son and I found what we were looking for and it was inexpensive!! Woo-hoo!!

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