Dandelion Salon w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneDandelion Salon


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1318, North 45th Street, 98103, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-529-5189
strona internetowej: www.dandelionsalon.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6615026, Longitude: -122.341183

komentarze 5

  • Jesse B

    Jesse B


    Would definitely recommend this salon. If you want a true color artist you need to go to Amelie! Awesome environment and great staff.

  • Barett McGavock

    Barett McGavock


    Aaron is a perfectionist! Just who you want in charge of your coiffure.

  • Billy Jarrett

    Billy Jarrett


    I have been going here for a few years now and Aaron Mahany is an excellent stylist!

  • en



    I picked this salon because the google review was really good. This salon is located far from downtown, but just wanted to try a new one. The stylist took time to find out what kind of hair style I wanted and I liked that. I am guessing that some of stylists here are contractors because the invoice issued was not under this salon name, but the stylist's name. Maybe that is why, it was a bit difficult to talk to my stylist when I got a billing question. What I did not like was the price list shown on their website and the actual charge were different. Her explanation was "No one takes $50.00 for haircut anymore here". If so, why you keep showing the price on the list is my question now. I won't be back here and I am happy that my credit company processed the dispute towards her well.

  • Emily Dangerfield

    Emily Dangerfield


    Super nice and cute inside and they did a wonderful job on my hair! Even though I usually don't go to salons, this one is worth the price for sure

najbliższy Salon piękności

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