Damatrix Studios Network w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneDamatrix Studios Network



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256, East 135th Street, 10454, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-395-6389
strona internetowej: damatrixstudiosnetwork.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8090531, Longitude: -73.9293141

komentarze 5

  • Edmond Michael Robins

    Edmond Michael Robins


    I didn't know what to expect when I was asked to perform for radio show. It's something I've never done and to be honest I was a little overwhelmed professionally speaking. The neighborhood is full potential but needs a little TLC. The building itself is under construction which just means it has so much potential for greatness. Is a lot of big personalities and a lot of heart. It's really cool 2 realize that the world isn't so heartless and that there are a lot of really good people who want to help. I have to personally thank Heidey who not only took the time to reach out to me not once but twice to give me an opportunity but she did it on pure blindFaith. I have yet to check out the actual Studio where I could lay some tracks out but there's always tomorrow. Which happens to be my birthday

  • Fred Lox

    Fred Lox


    My friend DWI runs a tight ship. His Clients, Customers and Program host are doing well like that and the service is up to the times. This is a new location for his company so the term it's under construction applies. Upon completion you will have a state of the art facility that will accommodate serious minded folks within the Radio,TV, Multi- Media, Live Streaming, Broadcasting and Audio Visual Recording arena. Go check him out.

  • Kam Nasty

    Kam Nasty


    I’m an upcoming artist from the Bronx. I was comfortable and they were very professional. They have a great working environment. Check Damatrix out!

  • Wendy Lopez

    Wendy Lopez


    We had a terrible experience at this studio. We booked 2 full days, and once we arrived ready to record, the equipment wasn’t set up properly. We sat for a few HOURS waiting until they figured things out. Then we had guests that were calling in and the WiFi signal they had wasn’t stable. This had the calls dropping in between recordings. The studio had no insulation set up, so we were freezing for the 8 hours we were there. People kept coming in and out, and they were smoking inside. I wish I was making this up. It was that bad. Then the owner offered a discount because of all the issues they were having, and then took back the refund because he said they would have to spend more than usual editing the episodes. Mind you, the reason why the editing took so long is because they had to fix up the audio that was messed up thanks to their faulty equipment. Thank goodness for the engineer, Rashad, who tried his best to make it work despite the disaster that was going on. It was obvious to us that they shouldn’t have opened up the studio until they were ready to properly deliver. Would never ever ever return

  • Perry Papers

    Perry Papers


    Great quality and the vibe is good and it’s a finish what you started environment a place I will work at for a long time to come

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