Dale Drug w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneDale Drug



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531, West Merrick Road, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-561-1222
strona internetowej: www.mygnp.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6701512, Longitude: -73.7163953

komentarze 5

  • Chante Perkins

    Chante Perkins


    Great service, the owner is very hands on and he knows all his customers by name and all the medication they take. The owner Robert n his staff are awesome ppl. I travel from St.Albans Queens which is 25 minutes away to fill my prescriptions. That's how much I like the service.

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    I have been a satisfied customer of Dale Drug for more than a decade and I cannot imagine there being a more efficient, courteous and knowledgeable group of staff members at any other location of it's sort. Absolutely the best!

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    Sharon Benefield


    Dale Pharmacy reminds me of the drug store that was around when I was a child and I would go there with my mom or grandmother. They knew the pharmacist and the pharmacist knew them. As time passed, big pharma knocked out most of the little mom and pop pharmacies. Thank goodness for Dale Drug. They are very friendly and once you've visited a few times they take the time to get to know your name, they are that personable. I've been going there a few years now and I wouldn't think of going anywhere else. They give you that special attention you couldn't possibly get from CVS, Walgreens, or Duane Reade. Thank you Robert, aurora and the rest of the Dale Drug family for always making my experience a pleasant one. I wish I could give you more than 5 stars.

  • Keith Brown

    Keith Brown


    I wish there 4 more stars to add to this review''''The friendly and knowledgeable staff PLUS the atmosphere that recalled the neighborhood drug store..I cannot thank Bobby and his staff enough for their care and concern for my mom ...May DALE DRUG long continue in this era of " franchised ." pharmacies...

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    Lou Viegas


    Dale drug has been an established fixture in the neighborhood when we moved here in 1972. Jerry & Dick were helpful and welcoming. Bobby and his group continue the personal service today even after a horrible fire last year that displaced them . Hope to see them back in the old store soon. The best.

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