Dairy Queen Store en El Paso

Estados UnidosDairy Queen Store



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4001, North Piedras Street, 79930, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 915-565-0261
sitio web: www.dairyqueen.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.8124954, Longitude: -106.4616415

comentarios 5

  • Elizabeth Garcia

    Elizabeth Garcia


    Nice place.. Fast service...

  • Margarita Ariola

    Margarita Ariola


    It was a very last minute thing and it was enjoyable, great company and the food was ok. Except I was freezing in there.

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    andrew nemesh


    Service was good. But the Orange Julius was made with no ice cream:( They use a power with orange concentrate and slushy mix. I thought it was orange juice with ice cream blended up. I was wrong!

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    Rene Hernandez


    Being in customer service all my life... I will say this, people need to smile more and enjoy what they do. If not, quit... Move on.

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    Michael Douglas


    I normally love this place. The issue I had today was the fact that they couldn't or wouldn't upcharge to get the Royal Blizzard I really wanted. Whatever happend to the old adage , "The Customer is Always Right"? Also, when I paid for the meal, they used the counterfeit pen a bunch of times over which to me is very disrespectful and unprofessional. It seemed like the end of the world for them when I even asked for taco sauce for my tacos for a lid for my soft drink. I know everyone has their bad days, I'll give them another chance.

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