Dago's Tattoos en Houston

Estados UnidosDago's Tattoos



🕗 horarios

5131, North Freeway, 77022, Houston, Harris County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 713-692-7404
sitio web: dagostattoos.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 29.8403755, Longitude: -95.3899718

comentarios 5

  • Sheyla Mendez

    Sheyla Mendez


    I got my piercings here. Because of the location, they took a long time to heal. But I love them. The lady that pierced me took her time. Let me breathe through it and everything. Everyone was super nice even though it was packed bc it was a Wednesday ($1 piercings). No regrets, I loved it here!

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    Domingo Bustos


    Absolutely one of the best atmospheres to get my tattoos done..as a Veteran I'm very selective about where I park it for my errands or anything that I do in my life..since I was ready for my ink art and work to start happening I shopped around for prices and how everything was,most importantly the personnel..and this was the place.going back to get the rest of my work done their a little at a time,thx guys.. Freedom Rocks..

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    Jackie Fross


    This place is great. Piercer David is super fast and thorough when putting in your piercings. $1 dollar Wednesday is packed, so expect to wait an hour or so, but if you're patient, think about the amount of money you're saving. I'm trying to understand why the piercer aspect of this place has gotten negative reviews, but my piercings were sterilized and the piercer makes small talk and makes sure you're comfortable and that the piercing is straight and where you want it. You get more than what you pay for. You might get a few dirty looks here and there if you're alternative or goth dressed, but other than the mild discomfort from other customers, I'm totally returning for more!

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    Kristen F


    Had a very good experience here and the tattoo artist Larry did an amazing job on both my tattoos! I love them both and can't wait to get more done by him. So glad I picked this place for the price and quility work done!

  • Amy Sauceda

    Amy Sauceda


    Tommy's very talented and just a great guy. He did an awesome job on my tattoos. My hubby got one from him this weekend from Tommy for the first tine. He was so impressed with his work he'll be going back to him from now on. Everyone there has always been so nice.

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