D VIP Barber Shop in New York

Vereinigte StaatenD VIP Barber Shop


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5, Corson Avenue, 10301, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.6383199, Longitude: -74.0790997

kommentare 5

  • Hybrid Theory

    Hybrid Theory


  • Michael Ilobi

    Michael Ilobi


    The people here are extremely racist esp. if you're black. They use low-key racist remarks like "your hair is too thick" First all the barbers in the store rejected me because of my hair texture, they didnt say it but i can tell because the latino dude who came next was welcomed with open arms. The only dude who accepted me seemed like he had the least amount of customers for the day.All i asked was a shape up which should take less than 15 mins. This dude took 45 mins and almost clipped my ear. He was going in hard like it wasn't a human hair. He was about to charge me 20 dollars from a shape up. Can you believe that? I had a headache after a shape up!! Stay away from there! This is not the first, or the second or the third time i have had bad experiences with latino based barber shops! Yeah, you can tell they dont like that your hair is different. So much for equality!!!!!!!

  • en

    Ahbleza-Rey Vasquez


  • Notorious _324

    Notorious _324


    Amazing all Latino barbers also English great place to go too with sharp barber's

  • InfamousKing_



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