Stany ZjednoczoneD LION BOXING GYM



🕗 godziny otwarcia

567, Jericho Turnpike, 11791, Syosset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-921-5466
strona internetowej: www.dlionboxing.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8119932, Longitude: -73.4961753

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sarah Thomas


    D Lion Boxing is a great gym!! Great for anyone from professional fighters to those just looking to get in shape. I am learning so much in preparation for the golden gloves. The gym is extremely clean and everyone is very welcoming. Most importantly, the instructors are knowledgeable and have lots of experience.

  • S Barone

    S Barone


    Coaches are amazing!! My 10 year old is excited to go to practice and is learning a lot. This place is a real boxing gym and not the designer boxing that is out there. They actually teach proper footwork, form etc. The gym is immaculate, plenty of parking and easy to get to.

  • en

    Reginald Sykes


    I was looking for a structured school for my 6 year old, which will provide him with confidence; while maintaining overall discipline. I found D Lion boxing, and decided to give the no hassle free introductory class a chance. I thought the instructors would simply go through the motions and make the experience an romper room. Was I ever mistaken. The level of professionalism was refreshing.... attentiveness to my son's mistakes and the patience to correct these mistakes!! I was surprised by the commitment they showed my son and in turn, he has showed to them. He loves boxing now with coach Armando and his great staff. The gym has a warm decor.... with free wifi!!! I am extremely impressed with this institution and constantly air the praises of my experie ce.... since the 5.0 stars!!!

  • Anthony Lattimore

    Anthony Lattimore


    Ive been searching for a training home and I've finally found it! Super clean, friendly environment and the staff really has YOUR best interest in mind. Great experience overall I must say!

  • en

    Sasha Grandison


    I love this gym! It's clean, the staff is very friendly and helpful, and the trainers push you toward your goals, especially Marcell. I would recommend this gym to anyone.

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