CVS Pharmacy i Mount Vernon

Forenede StaterCVS Pharmacy



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500, East Sandford Boulevard, 10550, Mount Vernon, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-530-3001
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.900573, Longitude: -73.818343

kommentar 4

  • en

    Widlande G


  • jane valentine

    jane valentine


    I cannot get anyone to answer the phone since it changed to CVS. Not sure if the number changed but I'm using the number on the site. Have gone three times but my RX not there. Good service prior to this.

  • Kem Alimole

    Kem Alimole


    So far I've had a great experience here. The employees are polite and helpful.

  • Maria Mejia

    Maria Mejia


    I'm reviewing the Pharmacy: They don't give you BS like CVS does, & the same medication I got at CVS for over $100 is only $9 here at Target. If you're a woman with PCOS or an irregular period that needs medication for your feminine needs, do not go to CVS. They prefer giving out viagra than your pills. Trust me, I know.

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