CVS Pharmacy i Medford

Forenede StaterCVS Pharmacy



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2975, Horseblock Road, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 631-286-1854
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Latitude: 40.8244921, Longitude: -72.9888398

kommentar 5

  • Julia C

    Julia C


    This used to be my favorite and most efficient CVS location, however MICHELLE brought disappointment to a whole new level. I was waiting on line for 20 minutes because she was trying to flirt with the customer ahead of me, and noticed a long line with people accumulating also looking very frustrated at the situation. I respectfully asked, if it would make sense to go shopping first, then come back to pick up my prescription, a genuine question on what would be best for everyone, and she snapped back saying, "we're done now". She then proceeded to ask me for my information very rudely and unprofessional, and I asked when my other script would be ready because I was supposed to have two, not one. She said "why don't you go shopping and come back and ask me later". But I waited on line and her job is to provide service to me. So I bought a few things and came back just to not react immaturely as she was, and she said it was going to take an hour. I waited 5 minutes until another employee came, and when she put my information in she said it would be ready in 10 minutes. So I waited, and Michelle told me with a smirk on her face that she made a mistake and she put the script through but wasn't allowed to give it to me until the next day. That is a lie, because if you try to request a script, the computer tells you when a medication will be ready for pickup, and if the law requires a certain amount of days to pass before picking up the next refill, Michelle does not have access to override that and put the order through, let alone the pharmacist, nor anyone. I then had to go back, because she only gave me a partial receipt, and asked for the other one that had all the information about the transaction, store, survey, etc. I watched her take it out of a drawer, as she was hiding it from me and purposely did not give it to me as to not be able to have the information required to make a formal complaint with customer service. She has a nasty attitude, and I felt uncomfortable because she looked as if she was a heroine addict, as her demeanor was bizarre, and questioned what kind of people are CVS pharmacy hiring? And if there are any kind of background checks. I felt uncomfortable she had access to my information and address. CVS shouldn't hire people that make people scared and don't trust their employees with sensitive information.

  • Henry Pinto

    Henry Pinto


    The staff are ALL amazing. They have handled the transfer perfectly. Michael and Donna are always very kind and make me feel at ease when I have questions about my health. Everyone in this pharmacy are professional and kind.

  • Tommy Regan

    Tommy Regan


    Not the first, second, third or fourth time (and even MORE than that) this has happened at this CVS/Target Pharmacy...Target Pharmacy has been CVS Pharmacy since December 2015 but these problems I am having getting medications, insulin, syringes AND alcohol prep pads through them goes back before Dec. 2015 to the present...I am once again backed into a corner having to be like, and feel like a "junkie" using My syringes a second, third, fourth and fifth time (for two days) because "they aren't in stock" (as per the Pharmacist via phone call on Apr. 21st, 2016) although I called and spoke to "a Pharmacy Staff Member" on April 20th, 2016 who told Me at that time that My "full order" (150 ct. syringes) would be "ready for pick up" tomorrow (April 21st, 2016)....Here it is April 22nd, 2016 today and I spoke to Michael the CVS Pharmacist AND Lisa (Target Phone Operator who told Me they would get those syringes to Me LISA'S WORDS: "today if I have to bring them to You Myself")...haha!....Here it is 11:00pm and no syringes, no Lisa...NO one to drop off My syringes...I am legally blind, on disability with MANY issues stemming from My Type 1 diabetes (for 57 years) and I don't drive NOR do I have anyone who can just drop what THEY are doing and take ME over to pick My prescriptions up...The Pharmacy Team/Staff Member told Me "the full order would be ready.." April 21st, (2016)....These people don't care about You, Folks...Maybe OTHER CVS Stores and Target Stores are different and maybe DO care but THIS store and pharmacy ( at 2975 Horseblock Rd., Medford, NY) didn't care when they were "Target" pharmacy and care even LESS now that they are "CVS" Pharmacy...You would THINK that these Pharmacy People would KNOW what medications and supplies their Customers need monthly and make SURE they have/had enough in stock including EXTRA for those Customers that may come in with a temporary prescription...I should have stayed with Rite-Aid.

  • en

    James W


    I have been a patron here since the pharmacy technician was in college. Its been over ten years, they have assisted me through numerous accidents, surgeries and parenthood. My daughter is now nine years old. I can count on Mike and his staff for medicine as well as trustworthy advice. If they don't have what I need it is ordered promptly and then I am notified via text. No one is perfect but target pharmacy of Medford comes close.

  • Kate Mitchel

    Kate Mitchel


    I was on vacation in this area, and before I left I called this pharmacy to see if I could fill a prescription that I would need but couldn't fill until a certain date. They assured me they had the medication in stock, and would add some to their order list just in case. When I arrived at the store, I was informed by the pharmacist that they don't even carry any of the kind of medication I needed. I was incredibly frustrated that all my planning for getting my prescription filled while on vacation was a complete waste of time, not to mention the extra time spent driving to this location.

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