CVS i San Francisco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCVS



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995, Market Street, 94103, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 415-348-1814
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.7822229, Longitude: -122.4100246

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gil P


    Everything is wrong about this place. Walked 40mins just to find out the hours are wrong.

  • Jackson Chen

    Jackson Chen


    You might want to only go here in the day time as it can be a bit sketch. But anyway it's a pretty big CVS. Picked up some half gallons of milk and snacks for the kids. There's a security guard in the front of the store, but I don't think he does much. I saw someone hide something in their jacket and walk out.

  • Laura Hayes

    Laura Hayes


    The pharmacist accuses me of having too many doctors when they are the ones who entered the wrong information. I had my collar bone sticking out of my shoulder and they want to tell me they can't fill my prescription. UNBELIEVABLE! I easily got it filled elsewhere (at the other pharmacy); not easy for me, being in that much pain and having to walk to find a better store. I guess they just think that everyone that comes into their store is a druggie or shoplifter because it's on 6th street.

  • Janet Smith

    Janet Smith


    Since being sold to CVS by Baydrug@Turk St.(customer base), without prior notification to clients, I have NEVER encountered such an unpleasant, passive-aggressive and subliminally judgemental pharmacisist as Raymond. The entire staff atmosphere changes when he is absent. I recieve medications for reasons determined by my physician after multiple MRI's. In just the past six months, Raymond has been nothing but petty with an attitude of judgemental stigma. Good place to pick up toilet paper though.

  • M. A.

    M. A.


    everyone that works there is pretty cool. they should get paid more since they have to deal w/the "Six Street Crowd". Oh and they never have HD Coffee Ice Cream in stock!

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