CVS i Detroit

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCVS



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7451, Woodward Avenue, 48202, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 313-872-7737
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.37211, Longitude: -83.0749891

kommentar 5

  • Victoria Smith

    Victoria Smith


    People are always so friendly, the store is clean and we'll stocked, but they are so under-staffed.They work real hard trying to keep the lines down. They are always having to deal with disgruntled people because of the line. They don't even have quick Check out. I feel bad for them because when I go to stores in some other areas, they are well staffed and we'll equipped! Why is this? Is it because they're made to suffer because of the area in which the store is located? Do they not deserve the same treatment as other stores? Maybe I should start a boycott of CVS until all stores are given the same treatment

  • brenda m

    brenda m


    Quick place to grab things you need

  • DeArron Burrage

    DeArron Burrage


    The workers were helpful, but was disappointed when i found out that the coupon kiosk wasn't working.

  • Kendall Case

    Kendall Case


    The pharmacy is really slow. But they've never misplaced my prescription and they are kind people who work behind the counter.

  • en



    CVS Pharmacy, 7451 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48202 is the worst CVS pharmacy. No one answers phone when we need to call in or refill medication prescriptions. Patients don't get their medications due to their carelessness and not answering phone. its a waste of time.

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