CVS i New York

Forenede StaterCVS



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743, Amsterdam Avenue, 10025, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 212-280-0582
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.794179, Longitude: -73.969862

kommentar 5

  • Tatiana Somers

    Tatiana Somers


    I’m mad I have to give even one star. Do not go here! This is a terrible CVS. I’d rather walk MILES to another location than ever go here again. What a waste of such a beautiful landmarked building. Tragic! And I love CVS. it’s not exactly the chicest of drugstores, but the ones I’ve gone to always have friendly and helpful staff. NOT HERE. The people who work at this particular location should not work in the retail/customer service industries. It’s a joke. Every single interaction was a joke. And it’s FILTHY. Some products had dust all over them and were leaking. And the floors - GROSS!!!!! This location needs a MAJOR overhaul and new management. SERIOUSLY.

  • en

    Mary De Voe


    I have not had the negative experiences others are complaining about here. I have found the pharmacy staff to be very knowledgeable and I have never waited very long to pick up a prescriptions. My CVS app lets me know when it is ready and it always is. Sometimes there is a line but that is not the staff's fault. They move as quickly as they can. Getting help in the regular part of the store can be a bit trickier, hence only four stars. It seems there is not enough staff around but they are helpful enough when you find someone. The store could use some updating but the setting (an old bank) is nice.

  • Evelyn Almonte

    Evelyn Almonte


    Great corner store at the Amsterdam and 96 Street No. 7 and No.11 bus stop. Has refrigerated prepared foods and cold drinks.

  • Gianna C

    Gianna C


    There is always an issue at this pharmacy. The wait can be over 30 min just to pick up a prescription. Today I waited on the phone for over 25 minutes to speak to someone at the pharmacy and never got through. I know it can be busy, but not getting through or waiting an unreasonable amount of time to pick up a prescription is unacceptable. Being under staffed is likely to blame, but the management should make an effort to fix this.

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    A E


    I don't have experiences described in the poor reviews. I always call (and get through) to make sure to make sure my prescriptions are ready or stop in a day before. I also stop in mornings when it's not crowded. If you go late afternoon/early afternoons, don't expect to be in and out. At those times, the cashiers can get disgruntled on account of all the mean people screaming and cussing at them! I feel terrible for them.. I go mornings and the pharmacists are always chill, pleasant, and helpful. I have never had any mistakes or billing issues. Always on time with my refills and great service. The store is clean overall and usually well stocked. Convenient to 1/2/3 96th St. train stop and the M7/M11 pick up right in front.

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