CVS w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS



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6817, Bay Parkway, 11204, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-837-1471
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6110653, Longitude: -73.9839013

komentarze 5

  • en

    Thanhbiet Nguyen


    Horrible pharmacy! always with an attitude especially the young light skin- Hispanic girl with curly hair. I wish I would have got her name! I don’t understand why work in a field with customer, where you don’t even know how to treat customer. Will never bring my business to them anymore!

  • Kamila Davronova

    Kamila Davronova


    Long lines staff are helpful and the staff that help you check out are not really helpful one day there was about 7 people and there was 1 guy working there not a lot of sales not that good

  • en

    Brooklyn, NY


    Their selections are fine but without fail, there could be a long ling of people waiting for cashiers and they will ONLY have one, or two cashiers and without a doubt they are always the slowest ones. Train your cashiers to work a little faster...It's like the longer they see the line, the slower they get. Put more people on shift on Saturday and Sundays when it's busier....don't have a crowd of people waiting on line with only one cashier and then you see workers just walking around wondering what their jobs is. I don't know how manages that store but they really need to learn how to do their jobs better. Also, in comparison to Rite Aid and Duane Reade, CVS has the cheapest bags that immediately rip. You spend $100 in there and they can't even provide a shopping bag Only go there because I dont drive but prefer other name stores who provide stronger bags that dont feel like tissue paper.

  • en

    Wai Chan


    Probably the worst CVS I've been to. The closest other CVS is on 65th and 18th. On a side note, this particular store employs a plain clothes security agent, who is a sexual devient, who will molest female shoplifters if caught. Look up "CVS Guard Caught On Multiple Cases Of Sexually Abusing Shoplifters." Why the hell would you hire this guy if he's been arrested for making peverted deals with the girls he caught. One was allegedly only 16yrs old.

  • en

    P W


    Worst Pharmacy ever! They constantly make errors and make you feel as though your business means nothing to them and would rather lose you as a customer than correct "their error". I specifically asked then last time I was in to make sure that my prescription was filled with a particular brand/ company due to reactions that o have from any company other than my preferred company. I was told that they "do not carry" a large inventory of my Medication and when they do they carry the brand that I prefer. Now I took my Medication after filling it today and had a bad reaction "Stomach upset". I called them a d they conveniently "do not have any notes" about my request. And I was first told that they "Cannot" take back a medication. Then I asked them why can't they own their mistake and give some decent customer service. Then "Magically" they said they "will/can " take back the Medication. And I have to go to another Pharmacy because they "Won't Order" my brand. So I said "Now you'll take it back" but my punishment "for lack of better words" is that you won't do the right thing and order the correct brand that I requested? And I was told Flat Out (Yes) So sad that a company as big as CVS treats customers like this. And the truth is that I spend "A Lot" of money in that particular CVS on all sorts of stuff. So now "not that they care one bit about my business" I'll walk over to Rite Aide which is further from my house but not so far that I would care as long as I don't have to support a business that couldn't care less about owning their mistakes and taking care if a Loyal customer for many many years. Thanks for showing me this!!!

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