CVS i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCVS



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6, Dupont Circle Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-785-1466
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9094487, Longitude: -77.0444962

kommentar 5

  • Blake Wilson

    Blake Wilson


    As I was walking in an associate asked if "You guys needed help?" I looked over to say that I didn't and noticed she wasn't even talking to me. She was talking to the guys who came in behind me. The must of nodded no because they kept walking without verbally replying. I didn't need help but they didn't neither. I felt dissed at CVS.

  • en

    James D


    If I could I would give them zero stars. Literally the worst managed place in the city. Do yourself a favor and go across the street to Walgreens. Manager is rude. Employees are incompetent. Store is trash.

  • Eric Hanson

    Eric Hanson


    Much better stocked than other 2 locations on P St., especially the items on sale.

  • Paris Morris

    Paris Morris


    For the most part this CVS is decent. The staff are very friendly and love to greet.

  • Vishal Sinha

    Vishal Sinha


    The location of this CVS is quite good and and the store is of decent size given there is a second floor. Of course, for a pharmacy store all the medicines should be ideally shelved on the top floor so that customers can easily access the grocery items and stuff they did not come here for, the moment they enter the store - great marketing! I have never seen the upstairs registers being open for checkout - might as well take them out and add more aisles of useless grocery items!... ...Which makes the line at the main level that much longer where you walk thru a few aisles of impulse purchase items before making it to the checkout counter. Luckily for me, the actual checkout experience has not been too bad (apart from the time waiting in line).

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