CVS i East Hills

Forenede StaterCVS



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421 Glen Cove Road, East Hills, NY 11542, США
kontakter telefon: +1 516-621-5959
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7851758, Longitude: -73.6232314

kommentar 5

  • Carla Lezgom

    Carla Lezgom


    WORST SERVICE IVE EVER EXPERIENCED. They treated me so bad and I can say they were racist as soon as they knew where I was from. Never tried to help or give a solution to my problem. Skip this cvs if you can. Worst one ever.

  • Jenny P

    Jenny P


    Pharmacy rep who answered the phone was very stand-offish and borderline rude compared to other locations I've called. Won't be using them.

  • Alina T

    Alina T


    I always try to skip going to this location as it's very small and does not have a large variety of stuff. I'll come here only if I'm in a crazy rush. Instead I drive to the CVS on Jericho Turnpike. That one is huge and has everything you ever need. I do have to say that the cashiers, especially the young man that works there are VERY nice and pleasant.

  • en

    Rob Von


    Excellent staff. Very helpful in both the front store and pharmacy.

  • thanh tran

    thanh tran


    Came in after my toddler had gotten sick in the car tonight. Staff, including manager, were extremely kind and helpful, unlocking the bathroom for us and bringing us supplies so we could get her cleaned up and changed quickly.

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