CVS w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneCVS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1701, Briarcliff Boulevard, 78723, Austin, Travis County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 512-928-1705
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.3135648, Longitude: -97.6921268

komentarze 5

  • Valeria Castro

    Valeria Castro


    The staff was great and helpful. I had two staff members help me with my 2 and 3 year old take passport pictures. My 2 year wasn't having it and they were really patient with her. The guy kinda got frustrated at the end and took of outside and I understand. I thank both of them for been patient with my kids.

  • Margaret Wagner

    Margaret Wagner


    Extremely helpful pharmacy staff, went above and beyond trying to get me a discount by speaking on the phone with drug company reps for more than 45 minutes. Wasn’t ultimately able to get the discount, but I really appreciated the effort.

  • en

    Anita Smith


    Staff is friendly and will help when you ask questions. If they can't help , they will call a Manager to assist.

  • Megan West

    Megan West


    THEY NEVER HAVE MY MEDICATION IN STOCK. I call three goddamned days ahead of time to make sure they have time to order it. I also call ahead to ensure they have my two other medications ready. They said it would all be ready today. I get to the pharmacy today, they claim to have never received refills from my doctor and the medication shipment hasn't even arrived. I am COMPLETELY OUT OF MEDICINE. This is the THIRD time that they didn't have any in stock. The best they were willing to do was 3 emergency tablets of my second prescription. Can't be bothered with a courtesy phone call to say its in stock or ready. I have to keep driving out to the location to check. Their automated phone refill system always claims my prescriptions are invalid/ don't have refills even when the website says that I do. Which by the way I can't manage my prescriptions via the website either. I have to speak to a live person every time. DO NOT USE THIS PHARMACY IF YOUR MEDICINE IS VERY IMPORTANT. At this point I'm willing to drive all the way to Parmer to go back to Walgreens there, because they were so awesome.

  • en

    Jaqueline Gonzalez


    I would give no stars if I could . Poor service . Manager was rude . Would never come here again .

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